For a person as loudly dressed as this redheaded siren, her opening song has to be equally epic. As if her appearance weren’t shocking enough, Ivanova takes it a step further as she eases into the familiar notes of Queen’s The Show Must Go On. The judges were all but face-palming in  anticipation of what looked like was going to be a BAD performance.

Remember the phrase “looks can be deceiving”, though? Belting out the old tune in a way that would do Freddy Mercury proud, Ivanova proves that being yourself is the best way to win an audience’s attention. She stunned everyone when she gave this insane performance.

You won’t believe her voice! And those eyes though! Watch the video below to see what has the judges and audience eating humble pie!

With stage energy like this, she won’t be unknown for long! Help spread awareness of her amazing talent by giving us a like and share on Facebook!



Source: InspireMore