While the salt shaker and card coughing were enough to advance Smoothini to the next round of the show, this entertainer knew he had to up the ante if he wanted to stay in the game.

What would you do if you had magical powers? Though some might want to read minds or be able to teleport, most people would want to find a way to make themselves rich, especially if they come from a background of poverty. Can you blame them?

In the Quarter-finals of AGT’s ninth season, Smoothini wanted to really awe the crowd. Growing up in the ghetto, he knew that there’s no better way to grab the crowd’s attention than with money!

Watch this video and see how the Ghetto Houdini amazed the nation and left the audience scratching their heads!

Do you love magic? Hopefully Smoothini the Ghetto Houdini proved to you that pursuing your talents can really pay off! If you enjoyed this video, please like and share!



source: America’s Got Talent Wiki