Shortly after realizing their son had a penchant for the more intellectual properties in life, they enrolled him into a specialized school that focuses on engaging kids in activities that stimulate both sides of the brain. The idea is to produce more creativity and better recall. Clearly it works!

After endeavoring to memorize the periodic table of elements, Raphael decided he wanted to exercise his memory in a more interactive fashion. What’s a little 5 year old genius to do, then? Learn several languages at once, obviously! You read that right, Raphael can speak English, French, Korean, Spanish, and Japanese!

That’s a language for every year he’s been alive! Whew, that’s a LOT to take in! Watch this cutie-patooty wow you here!

Isn’t he adorable?! How inspiring to see such a youngster spit all that knowledge! Thanks for watching ladies and gents! Please give us a like and share on Facebook!



source: YOUTUBE