Two girls took the stage at a popular talent show in Korea called KPOPSTAR Dream Stage. They tell the judges that they are going to sing the well-known song, “I Dreamed A Dream.” No one was expecting how unique their voices would be.

A piano softly plays as the girls begin to perform; their voices are sweet and soft at first. But as they continue, it’s easy to see why people have become so captivated by them. The video you’re about to see has amassed over 2.2 million views.

Both of the girls are extremely talented in their own rights. In addition to being a singer, Jihoon Shin is a figure skater and an actress. A-yeon Baek is also a popular singer that has appeared on stage many times before.

They have both returned to KPOPSTAR for another season, and they aren’t going to disappoint the audience, their fans, or the judges. In fact — far from it. They blow everyone completely away with this unique rendition.

Don’t take our word for it though, watch A-yeon and Jihoon perform I Dreamed A Dream perfectly. Their wonderful, one-of-a-kind and unique voices are sure to stick with you for a long time.

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