Hans– a self-proclaimed international superstar, s** symbol, accordian, songwriter, Madonna fan — graced the stage of America’s Got Talent and brought non-stop confusion, fun and laughter!

The Berlin wonderboy is a natural at making people’s sides split. Simon asked Hans if he is a full-time performer, to which he responded: ‘’Honey for me, being a celebrity is a full time job. You know, you understand. It really is an act of charity,’’ Hans told Simon.

And when asked if thinks he could win the show, Hands beat around the bush but basically said yes by saying: ‘’Simon, I give you a Beyonce style show on a Demi Lovato budget.’’

At one point, he gave Mel the impression that he has met Simon before. The Berliner was quick to deny it but claims he may be stirring something that’s been brewing inside him for a while now, implying that he might be gay.

Hans started his performance with a ‘’good old fashion German sing-a-long’’ which sounded like a really good idea at first but ended up confusing the audience. After which, he played the intro of Tina Turner’s Proud Mary in a modified and very slow way.

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