Transcend, an acrobatic duo who also happens to be married to each other, takes the stage of AGT to show off their strength, skills and flexibility in a trapeze performance.

There’s absolutely nothing easy about trapeze, let alone the routine of this two where they rely heavily on each other stunt after stunt to make it work. Cooperation is vital in their performance!

The performance begins with the husband upside down, holding his entire weight by curling his legs on two separate ropes. As if that’s not daring enough, he lift his his wife off the ground and now carrying two people with just his feet.

As the performance goeson, the stunts they pulled becomes more and more daring. They are so difficult there really isn’t any room for error. But then a mishap happened that could have costed them dearly.

Towards the end of the performance, the husband put on a blindfold over his eyes and his wife is supposed to drop head first so he can catch her without seeing her. Timing and feeling each other was crucial.

Whether it was nerves or the loud noise, I´m not sure, but the judges and the crowd were stunned when it went wrong; he caught her by the legs but then she slipped from his arms. For a brief moment, it was as if the everyone expected the worst. Of course they would, that was no shallow drop.

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