‘’We! I cannot believe this voice. And look at you, you’re so beautiful and perfectly yourself. I just feel so much from inside of you and that’s what we need in music,’’ Alicia told We.

All four judges were desperate in their pitches. They wanted her in their team so bad. Blake even cracked the corniest joke to appeal to the young singer.

‘’And I also have a little tiny dream that someday, introducing you to the Staple Center and saying, ‘Let me show y’all the We.’’’ he unashamedly said.


In the end, We connected with Alicia the most. The judge assumed that We joined the competition to meet her, and while that may sound a little presumptuous, it is not far from the truth. After all, she got We on her team!

Needless to say that the other judges were bummed they didn’t persuade her to be on their team because that means she’s competition–and a very strong one at that.